Hello, Denizens of Blogger-ville!
When the website my wife (Jessica) and I started was in its infancy, we were on the lookout for fellow humor writers. We found a veritable buttload of humorists with blogspot.com as a suffix in their domain.
For quite the while now, I've been marveling at Blogspot users. How funny everyone is. How insanely friendly everyone is. How helpful everyone is.
And, I wanted for us to be a part of the community.
Unfortunately, I had absolutely NO idea how to migrate our existing blog, with an external URL, into the Blogger fold.
I sent a brief note to
a Blogspot regular, asking how to import the material from our site.
I wasn't surprised when we had a (helpful and humorous) response within a few hours.
Sadly, though, he was equally unsure of how to get our website linked in.
Earlier today... or yesterday... it finally hit me. Eureka!
We don't need to migrate the whole blog over! We just have to gently guide people in the direction of our website.

Like this guy.
We'll update here telling you when we update over there, each time getting our parking lot attendant to direct you to our little plot of cyber real estate.
But, first, we'll give you the brief skinny, to see if you'd like to visit our place.
We started out as strictly a review site for As Seen On TV products. Since we began our joint writing venture in July of 2009, we've given honest and oft-time humorous reviews of
The Grater Plater,
Forearm Forklift,
Hercules Hooks,
Pasta Express,
Big City Slider Station,
Health E-Cigarette,
The Graty,
The Infinity Razor,
Slap Chop,
The Clapper,
Wonder Hangers,
Loud N' Clear,
Bottle Tops,
Shoes Under,
Aqua Globes,
Windshield Wonder,
Point N' Paint,
The Sonic Blade,
The Nicer Dicer,
The Sonic Scrubber,
Vidalia Chop Wizard,
Pro Caulk,
The Ped Egg,
The Awesome Auger, and
The Bean.
We've also recently implemented a
weekly Caption Contest. Actually, sorry. That's not quite right. Caption contests will be given for five consecutive weeks, and on the 6th week, readers will vote on their favorite caption from the 5 winners. That lucky reader will receive an ASOTV product of one sort or another.
We'll have the occasional oddball contest, like our
What the Hell Did We Just Slap Chop? Contest.
We've also been tossing around the idea of having guest bloggers give their accounts of utilizing the fine products that are offered to the general public via infomercial during the 3 am time slot on UPN.
If interested in submitting a review to our website, contact us at
Still up for dropping by?
If so, our trusty parking lot attendant will wave you in the right direction. If you like what you read, feel free to follow us. (That feature is crazy awesome, and one more reason I'm extremely happy that we finally have a Blogger account.)
Right this way....